Carina Schneider
Today a passionate patient advocate, Carina was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma at the age of 17. Experiencing the lack of adequate long-term follow-up care, she became active in patient advocacy in 2009. In 2017, she was part of the group of survivor-representatives from across Europe who launched the survivors-network within CCI Europe. Later that year, she joined the CCI Europe Committee.
Carina is a psychology graduate and has worked in paediatric oncology since 2013, first in the Austrian Childhood Cancer Organisation as project manager and later at the Medical University of Vienna as research coordinator in the psychosocial team of the Paediatric Neurooncology Department. In January 2022, she became CCI Europe’s Managing Director and works, together with a committed team, dedicated Committee Members and patient advocates from all over Europe for a better future for children, adolescents and young adults, as well as their families, who are affected by cancer.